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Seasons Cause Change


Hello Swans Den Haven (SDH) Community,

Spring has sprung and time has changed, as it does every season. So, I ask the question to you! WHAT HAVE YOU CHANGED in this new season? Have you made intentions to change some things concerning your life?

We all have heard in this season to “spring clean. Being that things have been stored up and sealed tight for the winter. Window seals locked down, heater on blast, and even we as humans, shelter up. But when spring come, things began to change. The weather becomes good enough to slightly raise the window seals, we crack the front/back doors (I don’t think people do much of either now a days) and things began to flourish. The trees are blooming, flowers are budding, and butterflies and bees are beginning to fly around. Everything in nature or the natural, is responding to the inevitable.

So, I’ll ask again, WHAT ABOUT YOU? Are you allowing your spirit to awaken and shift in this season? Consider the following:

*Will you shift the way you think in this season?

*Will you do better in this season than you did in the last season?

*Will you allow your purpose to flourish and come alive? (Butterflies represent; REBIRTH, TRANSFORMATION, VIBRANT, and ENDLESS POTENTIAL).

I ENCOURAGE you in this season, to change the things that you may have been wanting to change. I would go so far as to challenge you to do things that you have been called to do. What better time to do it, than now? Though we have been in a pandemic, due to COVID-19, things seem to be getting a little better. The vaccine has been distributed and administered, for those who aren’t still feeling so safe, masks should still be considered. However, you still have liberty to some things opening back up to somewhat of a normal capacity. If it is your family you want to be with more often, DO SO! What about that business that you may have been considering, DO SO! Or if it’s just doing better with your physical body or your mindset, DO SO! In this season PUSH TO THE NEXT LEVEL! GO AFTER that very thing that you want to do, don’t wait another moment for it to come to you.

True (short) Story…

When I was delivered from my abusive relationship. That night, my children and I left empty handed. We took NOTHING, NO CLOTHES, SHOES, ONLY what we had on our back. We ended up at my best friend home where she allowed us to stay. In the first two weeks of being there, I asked the Lord to give me 90 days to be able to move into my own place of living. IT HAPPENED; in 90 days I was moving into my own place. That was the beginning to me BELIEVING GOD for 90-day cycle of season. I won’t say that all things happened in that same length of time. However, it made me more conscious to attempt to change things.

My point is that, just as seasons change, we must be willing to change and not remain in the same place season after season.


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